South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

So you'd rather see that instead of the 8-9 extra floors?

The tapered helmet of 111 Huntington is a mere 3 stories - - something like that with a beacon (if there was one also at North Station, which unfortunately there isn’t - - instead it has another Boston Crew Cut there too) would be more meaningful and interesting than an Odurandina Lego City in the eyes of actual humanoids who desire a dynamic meaningful city with great landmarks instead of a boring featureless cookie cutter anonymous canyon that excites some people’s height statistics lists (and honestly, the rest of world doesn't care whether it is 637 feet or 604 feet).
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I took a few shots from the Ink Block area. First set are from 100 Shawmut. The second set are from 345 Harrison.

Any one have any recent shots of the bus station facing Atlantic ave?
I was just driving into town from the south (5/13 at 2:00pm), and the top is noticeably taller than One Financial and other neighbors. Does anyone know if it has topped out? Also, it's interesting that the crane has to be at ~850-900' right now. I guess the FAA is ok with it if it's only temporary....
I was just driving into town from the south (5/13 at 2:00pm), and the top is noticeably taller than One Financial and other neighbors. Does anyone know if it has topped out? Also, it's interesting that the crane has to be at ~850-900' right now. I guess the FAA is ok with it if it's only temporary....

It still has about 7 floors remaining (not including where the core is, only counting poured floors).
