Member Pics Shoutout Gallery


Not a Brahmin
Staff member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
This thread is for people to share their favorite member photos that are stumbled across in other threads. The inception for this thread is to help us have a collection of our "best" photos to draw upon when aB awards roll around.

Guidelines for posting in this thread:

Photos must be by aB members
You must quote and copy a photo from another thread
You must attribute the photographer
You may post your own photos that are exemplary shots you are proud of
You may share editorial thoughts if you wish

Let's see how this goes. The goal is to showcase the great work of our roving photographers from disparate threads in one gallery.
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Can I suggest both quoting and copying the picture, to give credit to the poster and for ease of viewing when it comes time to nominate? I feel the extra step taken in posting here will save a lot of time come next year when going through this thread and clicking through several dozen tabs trying to see the nominated photos..

For example:
View attachment 4348
It's a ghost town out here

This thread never ended up getting much use this year, but I'll remind the photo fans of aB that there's a photo award up for nominations here! Give our roving photographers some love!
^ That's really cool.

I always try to "Like" every original pic I see posted. I have noticed other people do too
