Archboston revamp

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Senior Member
Nov 13, 2012
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It appears all threads related to making a new forum, then the subsequent discussion of revamping this site instead, have been deleted... I am confused.
The threads got deleted because they were a mess and creating confusion. There are going to be major changes to the site in the coming days. In the meantime, enough with the melodrama already.
It appears all threads related to making a new forum, then the subsequent discussion of revamping this site instead, have been deleted... I am confused.

Given what juvenile tripe was being posted on those threads yesterday, if it all got scraped up and dumped in the "Please Stop" bad-behavior graveyard on Gen. Forum you wouldn't have wanted to read it anyway. :s

I agree; fresh start was overdue. I would hope the tech-side discussions re: building a better forum are archived server-side for Admin's reference since there's some good stuff in there, but this was quickly turning into another high-achieving demonstration of us being awful to each other.
briv, do you care to share your intentions? I think that if anything is causing confusion it is your unwillingness to communicate.

You previously stated that you'd be happy to hand over the reigns, but your actions seem to suggest otherwise. I'd also like to note that -- whatever happened yesterday notwithstanding -- a lot of careful thought regarding the future of aB went into those threads and seeing you simply wipe that out is disheartening.

I hope that going forward this can be handled openly and amicably.

statler, if you read this and don't want to respond here, please send me an email. Worried about you, man.
The threads got deleted because they were a mess and creating confusion. There are going to be major changes to the site in the coming days. In the meantime, enough with the melodrama already.

There was some melodrama, which I’m not trying to reignite here. And, there were way too many threads before, agreed. But there was a lot of valuable discussion on those threads as well both around opinions about forum decorum as well as simply showing which users were willing and interested and able to pitch in and help on the logistical end. On a philosophical level, I don’t agree with deletion in general but if the melodrama / mess needed to go, an alternative option would easily have been to simply preserve the rest of the discussion in a single thread. Can these be recovered?
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Everything Justin said.

Plus, we've heard this whole "major changes coming" thing a handful of times over the past decade before. Why is it going to be different this time?
Everything Justin said.

Plus, we've heard this whole "major changes coming" thing a handful of times over the past decade before. Why is it going to be different this time?


You really going to hand over this creation to this group. If I was you I would rather let the site burn down.

Let these clowns create something on their own instead of taking your hardwork and reinventing it as their own.

I, along with most people on this board, am completely in the dark about what is going on here.

It appears statler is online now; the last thing I read a couple days ago was that people hadn't been able to get in touch about the next step plans. So if that is the lone barrier, and it's solved, great.

Perhaps we need to decide on a deadline to either have formal buy in (which includes regular and responsive email communication) by the archboston group to revamp the site, or just decide that said plan will never come to fruition and go back to the other plan, extensively discussed, of moving to another site. I propose deciding by June 30 whether to stay or go, with the former being contingent on clear communication by everyone who was to be involved and actionable steps taken to hand over control to more admins to prevent the calamity of the last year.

You really going to hand over this creation to this group. If I was you I would rather let the site burn down.

Let these clowns create something on their own instead of taking your hardwork and reinventing it as their own.


Now I'm fully convinced this is the Rifleman alt re-regging to sow chaos. Can we check IP addys?
I propose deciding by June 30 whether to stay or go, with the former being contingent on clear communication by everyone who was to be involved and actionable steps taken to hand over control to more admins to prevent the calamity of the last year.

I am going to say three things that pertain strictly to myself:
  1. I'm from Portland;
  2. I'm way more of a suburbanista than most people here;
  3. I've got enough going on and don't plan on doing any of the work.
For these reasons, I am unwilling to put deadlines on the volunteers who ARE going to do the work.
I, along with most people on this board, am completely in the dark about what is going on here.

There is failed coup going on here. :shock:

Rumors floating that the Rifleman is looking to be reinstated along with being in full negotiations making an offer to buy the A/B site being Boston's official architectural forum.

Wouldn't that be Magic.

Now I'm fully convinced this is the Rifleman alt re-regging to sow chaos. Can we check IP addys?

I'm fully convinced that you are not the real F-Line to Dudley. Lets check your IP Address.
I'm in favor of moving to a new forum just so that we have a few mods that can moderate the forum and insta ban the therifleman/themagicman of the world.

The same happened back at where the creator went missing and racists started popping up in the forum. Archboston survived over a decade after that mess of a migration. Kudos to briv for volunteering back then to manage the transition. A clean start is not optimal but it has happened before and we were fine. In my opinion, it's been looooooooong overdue.
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Why hasn't MagicMan been banned yet? Even if he isn't Rifleman, the character is clearly intent on sewing chaos. Get rid of the troublemakers.
Why hasn't MagicMan been banned yet? Even if he isn't Rifleman, the character is clearly intent on sewing chaos. Get rid of the troublemakers.

It's obviously him, without question... and I finally agree, he needs a permaban.
I am going to say three things that pertain strictly to myself:
  1. I'm from Portland;
  2. I'm way more of a suburbanista than most people here;
  3. I've got enough going on and don't plan on doing any of the work.
For these reasons, I am unwilling to put deadlines on the volunteers who ARE going to do the work.

Uh, OK.

First, the threads that all got deleted included extensive discussion by those who are willing to put in time and effort, which is greatly appreciated.

Secondly, I was not proposing a June 30 deadline to have any work done, but to arrive at a communal decision on staying here or leaving. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but if the folks who hold the reins for this site are unreachable for another month (their hard work up to this point noted, and appreciated), the new site option is the only viable one. There's 4 weeks left in June which gives ample time for those who may have been too busy to respond to the behind-the-scenes communication attempts to hand over / share admin control to the other folks (eg, datadyne, Beton Brut) who have generously offered to help manage the site. If it takes longer than that just to share admin power (to guarantee a permanent prevention of future logjams), it is a logical conclusion that whatever the barriers are to doing so are unfortunately insurmountable and we need to go back to the old discussion of making a new forum.

From my end, I have no technical expertise but would happily chip in financially to help this along.

I again repeat the proposal to decide on staying or going by June 30. Without a firm deadline for a decision, I fear an endless stop-start of discussions.
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It's disconcerting that briv would go through the effort to delete so much relevant and mostly well thought out content without providing even a basic outline of his intentions other than to say "changes are coming" and only doing so when prodded. This shouldn't feel like such an adversarial conversation/relationship.

I don't see any viable option other than to make a move and to do so quickly. I have absolutely no doubt that with the active engagement of the folks who have been suggested as admins/mods that the new site could be a far more valuable resource than this one presently is.
It's disconcerting that briv would go through the effort to delete so much relevant and mostly well thought out content without providing even a basic outline of his intentions other than to say "changes are coming" and only doing so when prodded. This shouldn't feel like such an adversarial conversation/relationship.

I don't see any viable option other than to make a move and to do so quickly. I have absolutely no doubt that with the active engagement of the folks who have been suggested as admins/mods that the new site could be a far more valuable resource than this one presently is.

Dear kmp1284,

I have a great idea. Why don't you create your own amazing website. Then all your amazing friends will join your website along with picking and choosing on who is invited. Good old Happy land.

Good luck.

Magicman ;)
Let me throw this out it worth a meet-up, which we haven't had in quite a while?
I would just like two things:
- a mobile-friendly site
- the ability to "like" or "up-vote" posts
Let me throw this out it worth a meet-up, which we haven't had in quite a while?

That would be a good idea once the decision of stay vs go is determined. If people aren't even responding to PM's on here when their activity page clearly shows they're regularly on the site, I don't think there's going to be further success at getting people to meet in person.

Not to beat a dead horse but the first thing that needs to happen is that the volunteer admins need full privileges. My superficial understanding is that all that requires is a few clicks by briv and/or statler. We've already been discussing this for weeks, so the fact that it hasn't happened yet suggests to any rational observer that it never will. Just within the last few hours, everything that I have seen on here is strongly suggesting we need to move quickly to establish a new site.
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