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  1. V

    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Apparently the city Union Square Neighborhood Council has hired "Culture House" to be using the Homan's site for popups this summer. I find this to be really disappointing that they've dragged their feet on partnering on development, but at least the space is being used for something...
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    Alewife Park | 36-64 Whittemore Ave. | Cambridge

    The construction team publishes their monthly activity overview
  3. V

    Assembly Sq <-> Casino Footbridge

    Same as the Wellington-Fellsway bridge, when it's packed full of traffic I don't mind biking it, but when cars/trucks are flying by it's definitely not safe enough for the casual biker.
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    Everett Infill and Small Developments

    Looks like a pretty good glow up. Surprised there's any preservation ability at all here...
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    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    GLX to Rt 16 Extension needs some momentum. UHAUL is still looking to expand the warehouse instead of vacating. [EDIT: whoops reading comprehension is hard]
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    How many of those steel deathtraps had pleather bench seats and no AC? I can hear the 4 kids in the back seat fighting...
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    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    What low-effort renderings. Not really trying to build up public support with this news release. 1. Why not include the already-approved Encore or Everett Broadway expansion and pedestrian bridge? 2. Why make a design that matches the soon-to-be defunct LNG power plant by design, color, and...
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    Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown Waterfront

    Glad that this finally got approval. Interesting reading about the commentary and remaining complaints about reactivating the site from an abandoned factory.
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    Since no one seems to care about data... lets look at student enrollment - it is trending down as a whole, but locally there are ups and downs... "On a five-year time horizon... at Nauset High [in] 2018 there were 937 students at the high school, and the numbers have declined by an average of...
  10. V

    Assembly Innovation Park | 5 Middlesex Ave | Somerville

    To be clear - I bike them as well, but I don't consider myself a "casual rider." I want these routes "blue bikes-with-flipflops-and-no-helmet " safe. I do believe it is safe once you get to Assembly, and I fully agree that active changes are in progress, but saying "it will get better when they...
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    DCR Allston-Brighton Riverfront Parks and Parkways Still don't understand why they don't get rid of the Soldiers field road section along the waterfront and combine with this overbuilt road... Get asphalt off of DCR land!
  12. V

    Assembly Innovation Park | 5 Middlesex Ave | Somerville

    Bike lanes are great to build for at this stage, but I don't really see Assembly as having much bike traffic until those huge commercial buildings are occupied creating more demand, and better+safer connectivity is established with the surrounding neighborhoods. The Everett bridge in particular...
  13. V

    Charlestown Infill and Small Developments

    Charlestown Neighborhood Council Development Committee Public Meeting, Wednesday, March 27, The Charlestown Neighborhood Council’s Development Committee will hold an in-person public meeting at the Knights of Columbus, 545 Medford Street, on Wednesday, March 27, at 7 PM. The sole agenda item is...
  14. V

    General Boston Discussion

    This is an economics problem - those with entry level jobs or young families simply can't afford to stay. We don't even have enough ratholes to be like New York to add supply. I'd be far more interested in a neighborhood breakdown of Family-Student-Shared housing by neighborhood. An enormous...
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    Interesting. I think I'll add "Domestic Oligarch" to my title, or maybe just "Outer Cape Despot." Thanks COVID for encouraging my tyrannical tendencies.
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    Some interesting ideas around Provincetown's bike path expansion project, looking to connect to Truro by shrinking the Rt 6 footprint. You'd need to construct a barrier I think to block out the highway noise and wind to make this a comfortable ride...
  17. V

    Milton infill and small development Interesting development - they are at least nominally trying to recover by saying they'll come up with 2 plans, one for adjacent and one for the current rapid transit community. "The law and the accompanying...
  18. V

    Biking the Boston 'Burbs (Trails, MDC, & Towns beyond Hubway area)

    Anybody know what happened at the public meeting last night? "public hearing for the phase one project will be on Thursday, March 7, 2024"
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    Biking in Boston

    Whose responsibility is it that all the crosswalks on the Somerville community path extension suck? The grade is bad, they're misaligned, and they put minimal effort into view lines to passing traffic. Is this something that Somerville is permitted to fix? The generator placement pisses me...
  20. V

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    I know parking is going to be forced on this development, but how many spaces do you think are available within a 20 minute walk? I see all of the Casino parking, all of the Gateway Center (my map doesn't recognize properly the new Northern Strand extension path under the tracks), Sullivan...
