Search results

  1. B

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Not the mention the pedestrian cut-through to the street behind it, the extra wide sidewalks, and stately tree canopy. Urbanistically, it's as good as a landscraper gets.
  2. B

    Newton Infill and Small Developments

    You're right, but why isn't the street sign in that picture white, like every other Brookline street sign?
  3. B

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    I thought I was the only one who liked Church Park. Serious post-war Europe vibes on that block.
  4. B

    West Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    I'm with @FK4. These trying-too-hard-to-look-subruban car-centric developments (1) don't make a dent in the housing shortage, (2) don't improve the urban environment (3) add more cars to the roads, and (4) in this case, threaten to destroy something that is a genuine asset. Putting aside the...
  5. B

    10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport

    Makes me think about this wonderful old post about Boston's color palette and the importance of brick in helping to keep the city feel vibrant and warm in the winter. And yes, this is an issue in the Seaport. For as lively as the neighborhood is on a Friday evening between May and September...
  6. B

    Harvard Square Infill and Small Developments

    Hell yeah - that's what every single building adjacent to a pedestrian alley should be doing. Make Boston Istanbul.
  7. B

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    It's not frustrating, it's right. Once again: the agreement made between Kraft and Everett included specific provisions related to the city of Boston. Of course Boston needs to have a voice in this process.
  8. B

    Back Bay Infill and Small Developments

    What the hell is a Parisian style lobby?
  9. B

    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    Hot damn! While this is not cutting edge aesthetically (and many people will disapprove of it on that basis alone) this building does a fantastic job of adhering to the most important tried and true urbanist principles. Please give Cruz development rights up and down Columbus, Washington, Dot...
  10. B

    Please stop.

    Yeah, we take in 1 million legal immigrants. But the American economy demands at least 20 million immigrants to function. These are the people that make your sandwiches, clean your floors, and build your precious skyscrapers. They are not in any way shape or form an economic burden -- in fact...
  11. B

    Please stop.

    Nothing you've said here indicates that you have any idea how the American immigration system actually works. (Hint: there are no line-jumpers, because there is no line. It is effectively impossible for any of the millions of low wage workers who prop up our entire economy to enter the country...
  12. B

    Boston Skyline Photos

    What part of the essentially perfect urban fabric of Bay Village do you want to see destroyed so that the skyline can look a little cooler from 15 miles away?
  13. B

    Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown Waterfront

    Holy shit, they got them to eliminate every single inch surface parking. What a massive win, build this now .
  14. B

    Fenway Corners (Red Sox) | 1 Jersey Street | Fenway

    Not at all. "Why aren't the Red Sox spending like the big market team they are" is one of the biggest issues being debated by the national baseball media right now.
  15. B

    Fenway Corners (Red Sox) | 1 Jersey Street | Fenway

    So for those of you who aren't Red Sox fans, the big narrative around the team these days is ownership's sudden unwillingless to spend as much on the team as they have in years past. Some in the media have started to speculate whether this project is forcing the team to tighten its belt. I don't...
  16. B

    Drexel Village | 175 Ruggles Street | Roxbury

    I mean, hooray for something getting built here, but for the love of god, can we please forget about all the useless greenspace and just build a streetwall?
  17. B

    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    I have a theory that urban fabric of Roxbury being destroyed and hollowed out (and we all know why it was Roxbury that got this treatment) is a major contributor to the misperception among many that Boston isn't a massive, global city. Thanks to the urban planning disasters of the past, crossing...
  18. B

    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    What a massively important development. This needs its own thread.
  19. B

    Seaport Neighborhood - Infill and Discussion

    it is a massive success, and when that plot gets developed, there won't be anywhere in the city that could host this as well (maaaayybeee on the Common). I'm worried about what this development and the elimination of this space is going to do to the street life of the Seaport. I know we don't...
  20. B

    Idea for fixing the housing shortage

    You are an asshole for doing this, fyi!
