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  1. D

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Why don't you share some of this info instead of making absurd comments about NIMBY pastoralist (Pastoral? Look at the pic you posted - what's pastoral about this?) and "vacant" lots. With that said, I'm done with this back and forth. Enjoy your weekend.
  2. D

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Cool picture...look at all that pastoralism Those are all parking lots for the adjacent businesses, except for the small one next to Evergreen. Is it underutilized space...yes. Again, they are not vacant. I think you need to reflect on what you're arguing.
  3. D

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    I'm confused by the "boomer pastoralist NIMBYism" comment. First, those lots aren't vacant. From what I can tell as someone who lives close by, and walks Amory St all the time, most are part of the heavy industry that permeates the area, and has been there for ages. They are used. There are no...
  4. D

    Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part XVIII (2024)

    The visuals on that sign get my love.
  5. D

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Looks like Brassica is out of the Doyle's development. I just hope this gets going soon.
  6. D

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Regarding the Doyle's restoration project, of which 60 and 69 Williams are a part of, does anyone know when and if the actual Doyle's part of this project is happening? On a related note, does Brassica taking over the old Dogwood location affect this project, since they were supposed to be the...
  7. D

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    I know these are almost identical to previous posts, but it is a cool spot to watch the world go by (food was good too). Also, it's a shame that the large roof deck belongs to Ramsay's burger joint; I have a hard time giving my money to a celebrity chef's establishment.
  8. D

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    From a while ago, but thought I'd share.
  9. D

    The St Regis Residences (former Whiskey Priest site) | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

    I actually like the current iteration because the balconies on the left definitely resemble a sail and the windows on the right give off porthole kind of vibes.
  10. D

    North End Cross Street Boutique Hotel | 42 Cross Street | North End

    I respect and appreciate your thoughts, and I stand by mine.
  11. D

    North End Cross Street Boutique Hotel | 42 Cross Street | North End

    I think it would look "acceptable" in the Kendall/Lechmere area. Here? Totally uninspired and out of context imo for a major corner going into the NE.
  12. D

    Evolution of the Prudential Center: 1954-1989

    I miss the plaza with the statue; being able to look straight up at the Pru in all its panoramic "beauty". I remember when they first proposed doing away with it, so many people here loved the idea..."waste of space", "better street wall activation". I wonder what people think now that we've had...
  13. D

    State Street HQ | One Congress | Bulfinch Crossing | West End

    I saw it lit up on the Celtics' broadcast last night - pretty cool. Also, it's nice that they finally updated their aerial views around TD Garden, it bugs me when they show shots from 10 years ago.
